Issue 6
Reaping Raptures – Lusa Prose & Poetry
Introduction by Katherine Vaz
These pieces—collected by writer Oona Patrick and published by editor Elizabeth Hodges—will shock the reader. The authors are all from Portugal or Brazil, ready to speak to a North American audience hungry for voices originating in other languages, especially when the work is fearless about the global perceptions of women.
These inventive, nervy, fiercely blunt writers recognize that disturbing times call for a literature that personalizes disturbance even while railing against it. They reject the confinement of traditional narratives. You won’t find bucolic niceties or sentimental aspirations here. No romantic escapism. Absent are tales about an agonizing search for a beloved. The socially-imposed prettification of motherhood itself is rejected. A screaming child might turn into “…a machine that generated pure evil,” and birth is anchored in blood. As the iconic writer Maria Teresa Horta states, art must come now “…without heroes or tears.”
Hélia Correia
translated by Patricia Odber de Baubeta
Alexandra Lucas Coelho
translated by Zoë Perry
Maria Teresa Horta
translated by M.B. McLatchey and Edite Cunhã
Matilde Campilho
translated by Hugo dos Santos
Rosa Alice Branco
translated by Alexis Levitin
Maria da Conceição Evaristo de Brito
translated by Dean Ellis
Simone de Andrade Neves
translated by Dean Ellis
Isabela Sancho
translated by Dean Ellis
Laura Liuzzi
translated by Dean Ellis
Alice Sant’anna
translated by Dean Ellis
Laura Assis
translated by Dean Ellis
Margarida Vale de Gato
translated by Ana Hudson and Margarida Vale de Gato
Raquel Nobre Guerra
translated by Margarida Vale de Gato
Susana Moreira Marques
translated by Julia Sanches
Irene Marques
translated by the author